Showing posts with label ADF BC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ADF BC. Show all posts

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Using setWhereClause in ADFBC properly

Avoid SQL Injection in ADFBC.
Securely using ADFBC.

ADF BC is a robust framework that lets developers simplify code for Data Access in ADF Application.  ADF does a great Job by using prepared statements across all SQLs it generates. Thus improving security of the application. 
ADF developers are also given a access to write their own where clause on a view Object using the setWhereClause method on View Object.
Most developers tend to misuse this method by typing in statements by appending strings. Which can be used to inject SQL
for e.g.
Wrong Way
vo.setWhereClause(OrderNumber = ‘”+   pOrderNo  + “’”)

The best way to use this method securely is

Correct Way

vo.setWhereClause(OrderNumber = ?)
vo.setWhereClauseParams(new Object[] { pOrderNo  });