Monday, June 29, 2015

Working with Class loading problems on Weblogic

Figuring out which jar file is a java class loaded from in a web application might be cumbersome. Weblogic makes it easy with an inbuilt application called Classloader Analysis Tool(wls-cat).

How to access it?

This can be accessed from http://<Weblogic URL>:<port>/wls-cat.
for e.g  http://localhost:7101/wls-cat

I tried the URL, But cannot access it

This is deployed on demand only in development mode.
If you created a domain in production mode. You can deploy it onto that server. The application comes with Weblogic installation. You can find it in wlserver\server\lib\ directory. The war file you need to install is wls-cat.war

What can I do with it?

You can dig into it by application. See the order in which jars are loaded. you can search a class and see where was it loaded from. Enough detail to understand and solve almost all class loading issues.
