Thursday, September 20, 2012

How to add announcements in webcenter spaces page style so all pages created using this style will have the same announcements

Sometimes moderators of a space in webcenter prefer having announcements in all the pages that are the same. Instead of the user having to add the component in every page, we can create a page style which can have it in common.

Go to Administration –> Resources in web center spaces
Click on  Page Styles
Select a page Style you want to add a common announcement task flow. click edit and Edit Source


in the page add the below code in the place you want it .
<cust:panelCustomizable id="pc231">
                          <af:region value="#{bindings.announcementminiview1.regionModel}" id="r1"/></cust:panelCustomizable>

In the page Definition tab , Under the executables add the task flow tab as mentioned below. You can also pass the parameters for the task flow as required
   <page viewId="#{WCAppContext.application.siteTemplatesManager.currentSiteTemplateViewId}" id="shellTemplateBinding" Refresh="ifNeeded"/>
<taskFlow id="announcementminiview1" taskFlowId="/oracle/webcenter/collab/announcement/view/taskflows/mini-view-definition.xml#announcement-mini-view" activation="deferred" xmlns="">
         <parameter id="parentId" value="${1}"/>
         <parameter id="expandedAnnouncements" value="5"/>
         <parameter id="hideToolbar" value="#{!WCSecurityContext.userInScopedRole['Moderator']}"/>